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Don't Worry, Doll

Creation of Worry Dolls to Soothe Anxiety

Originally from South America (Guatemala), worry-dolls are handmade miniatures. Legend has it that Guatemalan children share their worries with the dolls, and place them under a pillow before bed. At dawn, the dolls give children wisdom and knowledge and free them from their worries.
The dolls are made of recycled iron wires and textiles and are usually dressed in traditional clothes that characterize the Mayan culture. Their size ranges from 1-7 cm so they can be kept inside the palm.
In the workshop, we gather around a large table to create worry-dolls based on the cultural style of each participant.

Number of Participants: 4-20 

Duration: 3-5 hours

Paper Abstract Landscape

Creation of Collage Abstract Paintings

Some abstract artworks focus on expressing creative values ​​such as color, texture, shape, composition, etc. The era, which was established in the early 20th century in Europe put emotional expression at the top of the value scale, draws imagery from nature while simplifying it to the basic forms. Early abstract artists raised the value of landscape themes when applying unique painting styles. Complementary colors, minimalist composition and abstract images that contradicted the conservative realistic painting styles.
In the workshop, we use base shapes of colored paper to create abstract landscape collage paintings.

Number of Participants: 4-30

Duration: 3 hours





















Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

Painting Portraits for Amateurs (with 8 layers of acrylic paint)
The motif of appearance is central in the construction of self. From early stages and the sight of our carer's face, and later mirrors that resonate, attack and reflect our existence through key figures that accompany us in life.
In the workshop, we begin with creating a personal portrait, by using a technique of layers and transparencies with acrylic / gouache paints on a mirror.
The portrait will gradually change according to internal projected content...

Number of Participants: 4-20

Duration: 3 hours











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